Impact, Thank you’s and Reviews

“We would hereby like to express our gratitude and appreciation to The Papillon Foundation for the generous donation that enables us to reach out to underprivileged girls in our local community. We have started a project to reach and mentor young school girls from the area. The program is called “Intervention through Mentorship“. The areas from which the girls come, do not have a lot of positive mentors. As a team we have taken it upon ourselves to become the change in the lives of these girls. Through our intervention thus far, started in June 2023, 84 grades 6 and 7 girls have benefitted from the programme. We have partnered with 2 schools in motivating the girls in becoming better citizens, and eradicating poverty in their community by staying in school and working hard. We were able to give them coffee and sandwiches and talked to them about good life choices. We feel it is very important to instill good principles in these girls. Papillon’s partnership and generous monetary donation has enabled us to reach these girls and make the events a success. Without the financial support this would not have been possible. Thank you from our hearts. God bless you and continue to be a light in this world” (Community leader and partner NPO head).

“We are humbled and blessed to receive your generous donation for our feeding programme. 700 children visit our programme every week and all receive a meal, thanks to your contribution. Our children come from very challenging backgrounds, and for some of the children it is the only meal they receive that day. The impact of a healthy meal on a child’s wellbeing does not need further explanation, and we feel privileged to be able to impact these young ones on your behalf. Thank you on behalf of the children and the entire team” (CEO of local NPO).

“We would like to thank you for your donations in kind and financial. We really appreciate your support and kindness, and for the grocery parcels, Easter eggs and gifts for Christmas for the staff. Thank you once again and it is people like you making our work at the centre so worthwhile” (CEO and Founder of local NPO).

“We would like to say thank you for the generous gifts for Mandela Day. We really appreciated and enjoyed them. Thank you for your interest in our school” (Local Primary School Principal).

“On behalf of the children and staff, I would like to thank you for the very kind donation that Papillon made to the staff and children of the home. The gift vouchers are going to assist with groceries, toiletries and cleaning material for the home. We will be spoiling those staff working and the children with the delicious chocolates and biscuits on Christmas and New Year’s day” (Children’s Home CEO).

“Thank you so very much for thinking of us and blessing us with these wonderful gifts. Know you are part of us!” (Manager of local NPO caring for special needs children).

“The gift vouchers are going to assist us greatly with the purchase of baby nappies for the smaller children. The Easter Eggs are going to be a big spoil for the children and staff alike. The children are going to really enjoy the Eggs over the Easter weekend. Thank you very much” (Home Mother for local NPO for children and youth).

“Thank you for your donations in kind and financial. We really appreciate your support and kindness to our Centre. We appreciate the regular grocery parcels, sweets and gifts for Christmas for the staff. Thank you once again and it is people like you making our work at the centre so worthwhile” (Founder and Fundraiser of local NPO for abused women and young adult girls).

“It is really heart-warming when the staff are thought of and receive a thank you from “outside”. They are the ladies that keep the wheels turning and provide all the love and care. This they do each and every day because they have a passion for what they do, they love their work, but it is really wonderful to get acknowledgement from outside” (Project Co-ordinator for Youth Centre).

“Visiting this charity, The Papillon Foundation, was an insightful experience. It is wonderful to see the changes being made in so many lives. We were introduced to various people working at different charities that Papillon is a part of and we got to meet some of the students there. It was evident that the Papillon’s people have caring hearts and give so much to others. The faces of those students were full of life and hope. I think this charity does great and effective work. Their effect is shown in the many success stories that have grown out of the charity” (Community member).

“I have had the opportunity to visit some of the projects with which The Papillon Foundation is currently involved, and each time it has been eye-opening. Papillon does incredible work that will have a lasting impact on the people around them and the many lives these projects will impact. The handful of stories we have heard of children’s lives being impacted for the better, is heartwarming and will stay with me forever” (Community member).

“It is truly an honour to be associated and assisted by The Papillon Foundation. Their generous donation has enabled us at our Primary School, to buy educational books for the school library. This gesture is highly appreciated as this will enable our learners to read with understanding and comprehension. I am in awe that we still have people who assist the poorest of the poor, so that these learners’ lives can be improved. Well done Papillon. I pray God’s richest blessing on your organization” (Primary School Principal).

“The Papillon Foundation has been a vital partner in our mission, significantly contributing to our growth and value as a non-profit organization. Over the years of our collaboration, their support has been instrumental in uplifting countless lives, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to relevance and positive change. Their dedication to making a meaningful difference is evident in every initiative they undertake. The Papillon Foundation is not just about providing assistance; they are genuinely focused on creating lasting, transformative impacts. We are honoured to be a proud partner of The Papillon Foundation, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration to drive further positive change” (NPO CEO of partner NPO).

“I have known the Papillon Foundation since its foundation in the early 2000’s, and have had the privilege of at various times helping there and donating to their work. Papillon is run by sincere, passionate and compassionate people, serving communities across the provinces. Dedicated people who have had a huge, positive influence on all those they have, and do minister to, and I am one of them. I have no hesitation at all in recommending and supporting this very fine Foundation and its staff!” (Community member and donor).

“The Papillon Foundation is always involved where help is needed most. They go the extra mile for those in need. It is a privilege to be involved with this charity. Keep up the excellent work!” (Donor).

“I have known the founders of this organisation for many years, and I can confidently say that Stephen & Marian have always been people of great integrity and support. When I founded my organisation, Stephen generously offered me office space during our early days in Johannesburg, which was a tremendous help in getting us started. His support continued even after he moved – something I will always appreciate. The Foundation has been a significant part of my journey, and I served as a board member before concentrating on my venture, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have been involved” (Partner NPO CEO).

“The Papillon Foundation has been instrumental in assisting the education of young people at our NPO. The donation of laptops and support has allowed our NPO to further grow the coding department and reach out to many more young people from challenging backgrounds. The unconditional commitment and unwavering support from Papillon management is professional and in the spirit of caring and giving. I can recommend Papillon as a charity” (Partner NPO CEO).

“I had the privilege of meeting a beautiful couple, Stephen and Marian Smith from The Papillon Foundation. They both are passionate to bring change in the lives of many coming from underprivileged areas. Over the years they have partnered in many community development projects such as senior citizens food drives, reaching out to local schools and assisting in rural school development programmes offering much needed nutritional food, assisting a matric learner to attend their matric farewell, and the assisting and training of Victim Support Volunteers. These initiatives have brought lasting solutions to learners from rural areas. One of the projects that the learners have benefitted greatly from is the young girl mentorship programme that speaks to Primary School girls about self image, goalsetting and so much more. The Papillon Foundation is playing an integral part in the success of all these projects. I am very proud to be part of such an amazing foundation that reaches out to communities in need” (Community Leader).

“Stephen and Marian work tirelessly to provide for the underprivileged and give support and a helping hand where it is needed most. The Papillon Foundation through their training programmes have trained many people, transferred skills and equipped many with diplomas and knowledge. They believe in people and always have open hearts and an open door for everyone in need. Thank you both for the excellent work and difference that you make to so many!” (Local Business owner and entrepreneur).

“We have been associated with The Papillon Foundation for many years. Not only have we worked closely, but also became loyal friends of the foundation. The commitment and dedication from both Stephen and Marian is astounding. Their passion to give to the poor communities, not only uplifting through donations and a helping hand, but also their commitment to upskill and teach the people through their training centres. Knowledge is power and Papillon believes firmly in this. Thank you Papillon for what you do… you are remarkable!” (Community member).

“The Papillon Foundation has distributed thousands of Christmas gifts annually to many ill and needy children and youth over the years. Thank you for you kindness, generosity, and time and effort that you put in for making the events such huge successes. You truly are making a difference in these children’s lives. The Papillon Foundation is indeed doing a great job in South Africa” (Donor).

“I have been associated with the Papillon Foundation as an independent auditor for some time now. It is a charitable organisation which is very close to my heart for a few reasons. Firstly , the foundation is run very efficiently by a team of volunteers who have a very real love for the Lord and who are transparent and honest in all their dealings . Secondly I love the work which is undertaken by the foundation which includes inter alia the empowerment and support of those less privileged in supplying life’s basic necessities of food, clothing and education . There is little doubt that the needs of the poor and impoverished in South Africa are growing at an alarming rate and that the work of Papillon and other organisations of this nature is to be supported wholeheartedly. I love you Papillon !!!” (Community Business owner).

“The Papillon Foundation is an independent non-profit organisation run my two fantastic caring individuals: Stephen and Marian. Papillon distributes clothing, blankets, furniture, equipment, shampoos, soap products, carpet tiles, baby products, beds, food items and office equipment to smaller NGO’s, Church Missions, Old-Age Homes, Orphanages, Places of Shelter and needy community Members. Papillon offers free advice and refers cases to NGO’s dealing in issues such as accommodation, legal matters, daily meals, counselling and other social matters. Papillon gives annual presents, toys, Easter Eggs and goods to Creches, Children’s Homes and Youth Organisations. I can highly recommend this organisation as I have had excellent experiences with them as an NPO” (Local Business owner).

“The success of Papillon is largely due to the self-generation and sustainability of its social outreach projects. Independent Community ownership cultivates a break away from the handout mentality and lends itself to the restoration of dignity. All projects were researched and designed with community involvement, ownership and with replication in mind. All projects are backed by recognized institutions of the highest quality. Well done to Stephen and Marian Smith – you are doing a sterling job. I am proud to be associated with your organisation” (Community member).

A fantastic organization and their workers’ sacrifices are becoming legendary. I admire the hearts and the perseverance of everyone at The Papillon Foundation” (Community member and beneficiary).

“I have watched The Papillon Foundation bring hope and comfort to people for several years now, and have been impressed with the hard work and dedication they put forth to help others succeed in life” (Beneficiary).

“Papillon Foundation and their people really help empower local communities and also children to escape poverty. I totally recommend this non-profit organization!” (Local community leader).

“I know that the leaders of this incredible initiative, namely Stephen Smith and his lovely wife, are deeply passionate and totally committed to uplifting the less fortunate. They work long tiring hours with never a complaint. They are Godly moral people who put others before themselves. I highly recommend the Papillon Foundation” (Community member and entrepreneur).

“They do really wonderful work with various communities, especially the empowerment through studies!” (Beneficiary of training).

“Incredible place where your donations go right to the folks in need” (Community member).

“Consistently helping and supporting trauma workshops throughout South Africa. Thank you for your interest, hosting, facilitating and promoting this vital uplifting of the community, Stephen and Marian!” (Partner NPO founder and head).

“An amazing dedicated passionate team. An extremely well run NPO whose heart and values are in the right place. This foundation is one that I would highly recommend” (Community member).

“I have been working with this great organization for a couple of years. In that short amount of time I have seen them help many children and seniors, from clothing , to food and everything in between. The management and staff are amazing. If you want to make a difference this is a great NPO to help . Small changes make a big difference” (Entrepreneur).

“I love The Papillon Foundation! They are helping so many people who others would just pass by without a glance. This organization is helping people survive! And don’t we all have that right?!?!? I pray everyday for the works these wonderful people are doing. Showing the love of God through serving others! What a special people! I LOVE YOU GUYS!” (Community member).

“My relationship with the Papillon Foundation goes back a few years. They do unbelievable work in less fortunate communities. They empower the disadvantaged. The belief is to teach a person a skill, enabling them to find employment. Papillon also distributes food, clothing and provides support to so many of the poorest of the poor. The passion and dedication that Stephen and Marian have for their work is an example to all of us. Their compassion and love for everyone has no boundaries and they give abundantly with no regard to their own needs. May you be blessed and thank you both for showing me the true meaning of being a Samaritan” (Community leader).

“I was unemployed and approached the Papillon Foundation for help. I completed the basic Computer Course, and then went on to the intermediate ICDL Core Programme. I thoroughly enjoyed these courses. With what I learned, I got a job as a Personal Assistant and am now the PA to the CEO of a Fashion Company. If anyone sees me they think that I did a Secretarial Diploma. Papillon does wonderful work for the communities, and I can only say thank you very much Papillon!” (Beneficiary).

“I volunteered at The Papillon Foundation as an IDCL Examiner for many years. Papillon is amazing. They help hundreds of students gain valuable skills and qualifications. Papillon welcomes these students who come from all walks of life and will always find a way to help them. Their commitment to community upliftment and constant self-sacrifice for the greater good is truly inspiring” (Community member).

“Dedication and selfless service, is what comes to mind when thinking about The Papillon Foundation. They not only reach out to the needy with donations of food, clothing and support, they also uplift and teach valuable skills to empower people to achieve beyond their current circumstances. Any donation or funding is always met with great humility and thanks” (Community member).

“Thanks to The Papillon Foundation at the time as a father of 2 and being out of work for more than 6 months I contacted the foundation for advice, guidance, and of course the fantastic career boosting courses they offer. Within 6 months I had 3 certifications behind me ( ICDL , Project Management Fundamentals and Project Planning). While this was all going on my confidence grew and I was able to find my self new employment in a Projects career path and have never looked back. Papillon has been my corner stone ever since , and I now do volunteer lecturing for them on their Project Planning course offering. Papillon is not just a charity helping with monetary and physical needs they give something that can never be bought…they give you back your self respect, self worth, and the courage and strength to continue as a human. God bless them all abundantly” (Beneficiary).

“It is with a strong sense of pride that I recommend Papillon Foundation as one of the best NGO’s out there. For many years Stephen and Marian have been helping people in need. Their performance, dedication, hard work, good hearts and trust in God is exceptional and that is the reason why I think they are in it for the love and a good cause. After a few years, we have seen what hard work Stephen and Marian have put into The Papillon Foundation for it to still going. I also know that any help is also needed, which is why I write you this letter with nothing but admiration for the work Stephen and Marian and their abilities to help others” (Partner NPO manager).

“Papillon was established by the most inspiring people I have ever met, Stephen and Marian Smith. The passion and dedication shown by these two people are just amazing. They reach out to the poor , underprivileged and uneducated with kindness and love” (Community leader and business owner).

“The Papillion Foundation was a great blessing to me. They enrolled me in a few courses they offer, out of the goodness of their heart, free of charge and I was able yo gain a better understanding of IT. In 2015 I was also a volunteer as I saw the great things they were doing for the community and I wanted to be part of their great work. I often was very moved as I saw orphans blessed with new toys and the homeless with food, clothing and blankets, what a blessing the Papillion Foundation is to our Community” (Beneficiary).

“The training done by Papillon is sterling, I sent unemployed youth for computer training and the success of these young people after the training was phenomenal. Some of the youth trained ended up in employment within the municipality. The outreach programmes with Papillon have brought smiles to the faces of many disadvantaged children in particular” (Community member).

“I have got to know Stephen and Marian personally. I am amazed at their good work for humanity that has made me evaluate my good intentions that cannot match their actual good works. I am proud to name them as friends and applaud their efforts” (Community leader).

“I have been involved with Papillon for many years. I have recently had the privilege of being part of ‘trauma training for children’. To be part of a group of people who influence the development and help heal children was awesome. It was an amazing opportunity . Papillon Foundation do amazing work and I thank the dedicated Team . ‘Touching heaven and changing earth’ is a vision that comes to my mind . They need earthly resources to prepare , heal and encourage so many precious souls… Keep persevering!” (Partner NPO worker).

“This is a highly regarded NPO on the South African empowerment map. There are several worthy projects to get involved with and lives are forever changed by the dedication and commitment from a team with many years of experience. Keep up the good work” (Community leader).

“The organisation allows us to use their premises on a weekly basis at no cost. They have donated 10 computers to our organisation. They have also trained free of charge two of our volunteers in the ICDL Computer Programme. These volunteers – in turn – are now training our primary school (16-25) children at the Child Development Centre on Tuesday afternoons, which Papillon hosts. They have also sponsored us with Christmas gift boxes for our children, Stationary Packs for our Back to School Program, Toiletry Packs for our needy Children, Without their services to us as an organisation – we would not be able to function efficiently and effectively” (NPO Head).